MCS Dinamica > Services > Underground

Underground Advertising

Milano, Torino, Brescia, Roma, Napoli
Pubblicità cartelli metro Milano
Pubblicità Metro Milano tornelli
Affissione grandi formati Metro Milano

One million two hundred thousand people move every day in the Milan Underground. Use, for communication campaigns, a vehicle that transits and stops in 94 stations for more than 18 hours a day guarantees a widespread presence and great visibility. The Milan Metro is the first underground network in Italy, spread over four lines for a total of about 80 km with 94 stations in operation.

Underground chart in Milan

The Milan Underground moves about 31 million passengers yearly on its 230 trains. It is a thick network serving the city of Milan and part of its suburbs, the backbone of the ATM public transport company. About 65 km of network are underground, the rest are raised in three lines: red, green and yellow.

The Milan, Brescia, Turin, Genoa and Rome undergrounds.

A thick underground network that connects the most important stations of the great Italian cities. Fixed and mobile installations along waiting and transit areas, LCD screens guarantee the visibility of high quality promotional films.

The Target:

The public is mainly made up of young people or young adults. The subway is the most popular means of transport in big cities. The protected environment and the morphological characteristics of the space lead to a particular use of the advertising: the size, the quality, the proximity of the systems and the lack of disturbing elements guarantee good impact on people.

 Total movements in 14 days:

  • Inputs 16,782,206
  • Exchanges 13.218.044
  • Transits 118.551.174
  • Outputs 16,782,206
  • Total movements 165.333.630

Cartelli Interni alle carrozze della Metro

All’interno delle carrozze dei treni, sono disponibili diverse soluzioni estremamente efficaci per campagne pubblicitarie che sviluppano alta frequenza di visibilità. Posizionati difronte allo sguardo dei visitatori, non possono passare inosservati i cartelli volanti appesi ai corrimano (chiamati simpaticamente pendolini dai non addetti ai lavori), altri cartelli si trovano sopra ai finestrini e sul fianco porta delle carrozze.
Tipologia di vendita: campagne da 14 gg. a 12 mesi.

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